Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

A change in FB sequencing philosophy on back-to-back workouts for the same muscle group?

So I've been doing Brian and Tasha's new two-week programs, and I'm really struck by how both programs schedule back-to-back workouts on the same muscle groups. For example, Day 8 in Tasha's program called for a tough leg day with weights, so imagine my surprise when this morning's Day 9 workout called for star jumps, jumping lunges, and burpies. (What!?) I've been a longtime FB user and have done most all of the level 4 and 5 programs, and in them, Kelly and Daniel have always stressed resting and not doing back-to-backs for the same muscle groups. ... Has anyone noticed this change in sequencing?? .... Let me also say that I'm liking it as it's different and a challenge - I might not do these challenges every week, but it's great for a change of pace and keeping the body guessing. But it's such a major change, and it really hasn't been addressed in those programs videos.
