Posted in: FB Team / FB Site Updates

Exclusion Filters are in Beta!

We just launched brand new workout filters with a refreshed design, and if you are an FB plus user, exclusion filters. For now, you’ll have the option of continuing to use the current filters or trying out the new ones.

To join the Beta all you have to do is go to Account Profile, then select "Yes" under Participate in Beta Workout Filters.

After the beta period, we’ll update all the filter pages to use the new design, so now is your opportunity to try it out and give us feedback about what you like and what we can continue to improve before we retire the old filters.

The survey is closed. Visit the Workout Collections and Beta Update for the latest version.

What’s New - All Users

Account Page

  • Ability to opt-in to the beta at the bottom of your account page

Filters User Interface Design

  • All workout filters are now the left side and expanded, reducing the number of clicks
  • For desktop users, filters will stay on the left side, reducing the need to scroll back to the top of the page to make changes
  • Filters are now grouped and can be independently expanded / collapsed

Collections User Interface Design

  • Applied the same filter styling to the browse workout videos page
  • Added a new collection for “Today’s Top Ten” workout videos under “FB Collections”
  • In the future, FB Plus users will be able to save their commonly used filters as a “Collection”

What’s New - Plus Users

Exclusion Filters

  • Checkbox filters now support three selections: unselected, include, exclude
  • Selecting a checkbox for the first time will include the filter
  • Selecting the same checkbox a second time will exclude the filter
  • Selecting the same checkbox a third time will reset the filter to be unselected

Prioritization Note

Exclusion filters are prioritized over inclusion filters. For example, if you include Strength Training and exclude HIIT, workouts marked as both Strength Training and HIIT will be excluded.

Workout Metadata Note

It is possible that a workout has incorrect or missing training types, equipment, etc. If you notice an incorrect result while using exclusion filters, please let us know by using the contact form and we’ll get it corrected!

  • Select "FB Plus Support" as the subject
  • Include a link to the workout
  • Include the metadata correction

** Edit **

With release 2024.05.29 we fixed a few beta bugs and adjusted the order of the filters.

  • Fixed issue on iOS Safari where the filter menu would close unexpectedly on mobile
  • Fixed overscroll behavior within the filter menu on iOS Safari 16 and 17
  • Fixed mobile zooming when clicking minutes or calorie burn inputs
  • Clicking the blue “filters” toggle switch a second time no longer clears out filters (but will re-open the filtre menu)
  • Moved body focus and duration / minutes filters to the top
  • On desktop, you can more easily see the filters towards the bottom of the list when scrolling the filter menu