Weekend Ghostess: Sat, Apr 20th

Greetings to you my lovely ladies,

Good whatever time of day it is in your corner of the world. I'm your ghostess for these next two days and looking in my palantir this morning, I'd say I'm quite ready for another adventure. Want to go with me? Of course you will, who can resist 'moi, the ever so incredible Inge'...🙄

Right, got your hiking boots on? Here we go.. let's start with what's on the program for today. For me, it's actually not that much. I might do some weeding this afternoon. I was so fed up with all the weed popping up all the time, that I took - totally not allowed and sooo bad for nature (sorry Lea, don't shoot me) - drastic matters and sprayed them with pure bleach. They're all brown now, so I'll be pulling them out and hope they stay away for a while.

Yuna's popping in too to get some more stuff she wanted, so we'll be having a cuppa and chat a bit. What about you?

But first, we'll have to stop for some elevensies and while we're doing that, let's take a look at this picture of my crochet. It's not a finished product, but it's how far I've gotten in my project 'Bridal Bouquet'. It's slow going, but I'll get there. Feel free to express your admiration for my work.. Big head much Inge?😜

We'll continue our trip and during lunch I'll annoy with a question:

Many of us here are readers, as am I, so I was wondering if you look up things that you come across in your books. Like places they mention, foods, words. I do it often because 1) I only read in English and since it's not my maternal language there's things I don't understand, 2) sometimes they mention foods I've never heard of and am curious about, like for instance Chelsea buns which made me think of Karen's cinnamon rolls.

What about you, do you check things or look them up?

Okay, we're nearly at the end of our trip. I'm pretty tired so I think I'm in need of doing Day 6 of the 30 day challenge, which is a nice active recovery stretching workout with Kayla. Normally I take my weekends off, but I'm going all in and will do each and every workout in the challenge. Unless of course life gets in the way and decides differently.

But maybe you guys haven't had enough yet, and you still want to do something more, and extra workout, another challenge/program? Let me know, I'm dying to hear it.

Finally, all this hiking has made me pretty hungry. Unfortunately I haven't got a clue yet what's for dinner. Maybe you already know, so do me a favor and post it here, that way I can get some ideas and I might copy you.

Allright ladies, that's about it for today. I kept you long enough. Thanks for going on this trip with me, I hope I haven't scared you off and that when I come back to take a look, I'll see some comments.

Have a great day and TTYL!🥰
