HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 19th

Hello, lovely people, and Happy Friday! This is your reminder to stay awesome.

Hope the week has treated you well and that the weekend is looking nice and relaxing for everyone. It's my last day before vacation and miraculously it's not all in chaos. I am pretty much done with my tasks and not very motivated to start anything new since I'll be off for 2 weeks.

Went to bed very late last night because I saw a movie with some friends and the only screening was at 10:30PM, my normal bed time. I don't think we have many action fans on here but if anyone happened to like the John Wick movies, you'd certainly like Dev Patel's Monkey Man, it's much better in my opinion. It is very frenetic and graphic though so fair warning, but I really liked the Indian setting and the glimpses of Indian culture. Also, Dev Patel is very handsome so...yeah.

Ok, need to go find something to do for the day. Let me know what your plans are and remember to have a great day!